Our Blog
Caught in the Undertow: How No Estate Plan (or a Bad One) Could Leave Your Family Overwhelmed
Many people love to spend part of their summer vacation at the beach, enjoying the ocean and sunshine. But there may be unseen dangers that are crucial for beachgoers to keep in mind: For example, the undertow is a current of water, often quite powerful, below the...
Special Estate Planning Considerations for Art and Other Collections
Many people have collections about which they are quite passionate: The collections may be very valuable, for example, art collections, coins, stamps, or designer handbags, or they may have more sentimental than monetary value, such as political bumper stickers,...
Executive Order Regarding Remote Signing
On April 8, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed an executive order to allow the signing of documents, requiring a witness or notary, to be done remotely using real-time audiovisual technology. This order is in effect until the end of the day May 6, 2020 due to the...
Coronavirus Update
Dear Clients and Friends, We hope you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and following recommended precautions during these unique times. We want to let you know that our attorneys and staff are working remotely to meet your legal needs. While we may not be able...
What Could the SECURE Act Mean For You?
If you have kept up with current events, you know that there is real potential for change to your retirement accounts. The Senate is working to pass new legislation that would help seniors prepare for their golden years more efficiently. Better known as the SECURE...
After Tax Reform, Is Estate Planning Still Necessary?
The new tax legislation raises the federal estate tax exemption to $11.2 million for individuals and $22.4 million for couples. The increase means that an exceedingly small number of estates (only about 1,800, nationally) will have to worry about federal estate taxes...
Are Payable-On-Death Accounts Right For You?
A payable-on-death account, also called a POD account, is a common way to keep bank and investment accounts out of probate, the court-supervised process that oversees distributing a deceased person’s property. Most people want to avoid their estate going through...
High Deductible Health Plan? How Your Health Savings Account (HSA) Works with Your Estate Plan
If you’re enrolled in a qualified high-deductible health plan (HDHP), you must consider how your health savings account (HSA) fits into your estate plan—especially to make sure that any hard-earned money left in your HSA when you die goes where you want it. What is an...
Estate Planning 101: The Basics
In preparation for the upcoming tax season, you may have already begun gathering some paperwork, like you property tax bill, year end mortgage statement, or final pay stubs.. Although filing your income taxes is different than putting your affairs in order, you’re...
Could money I lent to my family be an asset?
Many children and grandchildren are skipping the traditional bank and obtaining loans from parents or grandparents. Unfortunately, we have all heard stories of families torn apart because of disagreements over money. So, what can you do to make sure your intra-family...
Our Blog

Bossenbrook Williams
1690 Watertower Pl, Ste. 400
East Lansing, MI 48823
Telephone: (517) 333-5789
Fax: (517) 999-5789
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