How Do I Protect Rental Property That I Own?

How Proactive, Comprehensive Estate Planning Can Help A comprehensive estate plan should address all of your assets. For most people, an estate plan must include three common categories: (1) your home; (2) financial accounts, like your checking and savings account;...

Can I Bequeath My Frequent Flyer Miles?

If you’re a frequent airline traveler, one of your estate planning concerns may be what will happen to your accumulated miles once you’re gone. They could be worth thousands of dollars, so you probably don’t want them to just disappear, but some airline policies say...

How Long Should You Keep Important Documents?

In a society dominated by paperwork, the question of how long to hold on to important documents has been baffling for most people. We especially worry about documents of a financial or personally identifying nature. People who worry about losing something important...

Should I include my Vacation Property in my Estate Plan?

Yes! If you own a vacation home, timeshare, investment property, or any other asset outside of the state where you are domiciled, you must make sure it’s included in your estate plan. If you fail to include these in your estate plan, or fail to have an estate plan at...